Physician Wellness in America

Blog header photo for Physician Physician Wellness in America, depicting a Covid-19 virus particle.

“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.” -Sir Winston Churchill. The issue of physician wellness has grown immensely in importance over the last decade or more, and with the COVID-19 pandemic still raging internationally, perhaps even more so.  This is due to wellness’s critical impact not only on the lives of physicians…

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Wellness Action Item: Exercise

Blog header photo for Wellness Action Item: Exercise. Photo depicts a person stretching outside in preparation to exercise.

Whether you are an experienced gym enthusiast, a runner or active in a healthy aerobic sport, there is no single act that one can commit to than voluntary physical exercise in support of personal health and wellness.  Physical exercise has been described as the best antioxidant supplement in existence (Kravitz 2009, Ristow 2009).  As you…

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